We welcome you with Open Hearts, Open Minds and Open Doors. At Garden Grove United Methodist Church (GGUMC) we are a multi-language and multi-cultural church, offering worship in English, Vietnamese, and Samoan. We also share our campus with the Garden Grove Korean Mission Church and the Horeb Mar Thoma Church whose origin is in Kerala, India. Most Sundays each of the congregations worship at a different time but on special Sundays such as Pentecost (the birthday of the Christian Church) all of the congregations come together and worship as one body.
Come join us of English language worship in our beautiful sanctuary at 9:30, followed by coffee and fellowship outside after the service. See the side bar for other worship opportunities.
With the relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions we are worshiping in person but also offer a video recording of the English language and Vietnamese language services, posted on our YouTube channel on Monday or Tuesday.